Check Disk Performance in Linux

We use iostat command to check the disk performance.

Reports that we get from ‘iostat’ are really useful but I myself had a little bit of trouble when trying to interpret the results while using the the first time.

I usually use the iostat command with the following switches:
iostat –d –x <interval>
Where in…
-d = gets rid of the CPU stats so that we can easily concentrate on the I/O only
-x = some additional info like ‘await’ and ‘svctm’ (will discuss them later)
<interval> = this is time in seconds, so every number of <interval> seconds you will get a new ‘iostat’ report
Let’s now see a sample output of ‘iostat’:
If we look at stats above usually we would look at %util and if we see close to 100% it can identify the problem for a single disk setup, but not in a usual multi-disks scenario.
Columns that we look at it in order to identify the problem will be:
syvctm: The average service time (in milliseconds) for I/O requests that were issued to the device
await: The average time (in milliseconds) for I/O requests issued to the device to be served. This includes the time spent by the requests in queue and the time spent servicing them.
This basically means:
 await = syvctm + wait time in queue
Now using the above we can have a basic rule to identify an overloaded setup:
…if you can see a lot of difference in values for ‘syvctm’ and ‘await’ every now and then, that can tell you about I/O requests being going into long waits and this should help you identify the problem.

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