11 Facts of Rajani

1. Rajinikanth can send e-mail without mail id
2. Only Rajinikanth can kill the dead!
3. Rajini's favourite SQL query... SELECT * from ORACLE;
4. Rajinikanth's father was never happy with his hairstyle but never asked him to get a haircut. Why? 'Cause he knew his son will grow them again overnight....... ;-D
5. Once Rajinikanth dropped a coin while he was standing in the balcony. He went down to pick it up, but it was not there! Reason? He reached there before the coin!
6. Only Rajini can draw a straight circle
7. Only Rajinikanth can send can mms from a landline phone
8. When Rajinikanth was a Student, Teachers use to Bunk the classes!!!
9. Only Rajinikanth knows who let the dogs out!
10. When Alexander Graham Bell first used his telephone, he realized that he already had two missed calls from Rajinikanth.

*Only Rajani can read 11th

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