Pidgin - A replacement of Yahoo messenger

Nowadays I have started using Pidgin as IM. I was using yahoo but it was consuming near about 60M memory. So I was looking for alternate solution and I found Pidgin. It takes around 13M memory. So pretty light weight.
I installed it, and was not comfortable with look and feel of it. I searched for applying skin to it. And I did it through below steps.
As of version 2.7.0, Pidgin ships with a private GTK+ runtime and doesn't include extra themes or a GUI theme switching application.
There is an easy way to use the GTK+ theme binaries and theme switcher.
Download the GTK+ Themes and GTK+ Theme Switcher zip files and extract them to a temporary directory.
Copy the lib and share directories from the GTK+ Themes zip file into your \Gtk directory (you want to merge those with the existing lib and share directories). Copy the gtk2_prefs.exe from the GTK Theme Switcher zip file into your \Gtk\bin directory.
You can now run the gtk2_prefs.exe applications to choose a theme. You probably will want to use the "Apply for all users" checkbox so that the changes are made to Pidgin's private GTK+ runtime.
Note: If you had previously set up a user-specific GTK+ theme with the global GTK+ Runtime, you will need to delete or rename the %USERPROFILE%/.gtkrc-2.0 file in order to have your changes take effect.

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